Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Barn Quilts are UP and in place!!

OH happy day! We finished today putting up the second of two "Barn Quilts" at Mom & Dad's farm at the Dot intersection today. OH do they look Fantastic! I love them!!!! If everyone hadn't gotten busy with other things for a couple of weeks we would have had them both up in a matter of days of each other. Instead it took a couple extra weeks but we did it! Yesterday it was my husband, myself, Mom & Dad. Today we had my son Danny, one of my sisters, myself, Mom & Dad. The hardest part was climbing up and down the ladders. Heights don't bother me that much...... I love the view from up high like that.. but it is the getting there and then back down that I'm not crazy about. My back is killing me.... I've had to help move the ladders several times and I know I shouldn't have done it. But nobody else was in any better shape to do it so it had to be done! OH well... I'll eat a pain pill here in a little bit to ease things off I bit.

Hope you like the pictures!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Playing in the MUD at Martins Fork

Well, I have to say that I'm one happy person. I got to go riding yesterday with the gang. I didn't decide to actually try to catch them until 9:05 AM! Now that may not sound so bad, but they leave the parking lot in Rose Hill at 10:00 AM! I didn't have Kitty loaded..... No lunch packed.. really wasn't dressed to go riding that early on a November morning either! But I made it! The gang was pretty well ready to leave by the time I got there. I asked which way they were heading and told them that I'd catch up with them, not to wait on me. They were taking their normal break at the top of Crows Foot when I got there. Then headed on over to the back waters of Martins Fork Lake in Cawood Kentucky.
There was some really good mud there so they decided to stay there and play instead of heading on into Cawood. At first I just sat and watched everyone play and sling mud. I kept sitting there...... knowing that it really wasn't so deep to get stuck in, watching and thinking.... well it's ONLY MUD! Finally I locked Kitty into 4 wheel drive..... and hit the mud myself! I'll admit.... it was FUN!
Only bad thing is that I've already made one trip to the car wash..... spent $6.00 and still don't have all the mud off Kitty! Going to have to break out the pressure washer here tomorrow evening and finish the job. The seat is going to have to come off and wash down inside a lot better. Got a feeling that I'll go back to WATCHING everyone play in the mud next time! It's just to hard to get all that mud off.
Not sure if the weather is going to hold out for another ride anytime soon. Forecast is for the temps to go down several degrees by the weekend to the mid to lower 50's. I'm not a big fan of riding in that cool of weather. Not to bad if your sitting still, but moving the wind will cut you to the bone. Guess I'll just have to wait and see how things goes.

Till next time...... ride long...... ride hard... but ride safe!