Tuesday, December 30, 2008

That felt GREAT!

Finally got to get out on the trails again today. It's been almost 2 months! That is way to long..... way.. WAY to long. Didn't get to ride for very long, but it beats nothing at all. Jim, Dale and his two boys, Austin & Brandon and myself all went down to WTOP and rode for about 4 hours today.
I can say with great certainty that I'm getting old and really starting to feel it now. My neck is sore from wearing my helmet for even that short of a time. But it kept my ears warm so it isn't all bad!
As you can see Mud Bowl I & II are both lakes! Anybody got jon boats to use?
Looks like bad (colder) weather is about to sit in again, so the riding today will have to do me for a while. Oh well. Sure gives me something to look forward to!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

How could I almost forget?

Now I know I'm loosing it, and I've got proof! How on earth could I almost forget that 5 years ago TODAY I was in UVA hospital and at this moment had just woke up from surgery. What surgery? OH I forgot that part didn't I! I gave my bestest friend Kim my left Kidney!

Happy Anniversary Kim & Sydney (the kidney)!!!
Aren't we cute in our matching outfits? Kim is on the left and I'm on the right. THIS is the ONLY photo of me that I'll post anywhere! Not that I look that great, but because it is so special.

No riding. Darn

No riding this past weekend, and it is looking like none this coming weekend either. Had to finish up Christmas shopping and now the rain has set in. I'm not complaining about the rain one bit. Believe me. We really need it. Especially seeing as how we rely on our water to come from our own well instead of using the city/county water line here. Our well water taste so much better.

I am kinda bummed because with all this rain being rain due to the warm temps that we've seen very little snow so far this winter. But with husbands job if it does snow then I'm left without a way to trailer my ride to anywhere to ride at. Last year someone mentioned to me why didn't I just ride it from the house to the base of Crows foot and ride. OH I could have done it, no problem. BUT with what snow we did get I would have been VERY easy to track right back to the house and in Virginia riding where I would have would get me a HUGE ticket and fine!!!!

OH well. Maybe I can get a chance to get back out on the trails soon. I sure hope so.

Friday, December 12, 2008

33 years

Today is December 12. I wonder if Chris knows that I'm thinking of him on his 33rd birthday?

Happy Birthday Christopher!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Mixed feelings

Saturday was the "Christmas Parade" in Middlesboro. A small showing of Holler Crawlers showed up to ride. Granted it was cold and snowing, but that only added to the excitement in the air. I had Miss Kitty all decked out for the event. I was the only one there that was riding "Rudolph"!! The bad part was that the wheels that I got to go under the "Santa Sleigh" didn't work out so it had to be left at the trailer. Lesson learned on that one. But at least I've got a whole year to find the ones that I do need and have them on for the 2009 parade!

It wasn't till later Saturday evening that I heard about the tragedy that had happened at just about time for the parade to start. 4 young people, two of which were ROTC cadets that were to march in the parade, were killed in a traffic accident. Two of those were twins. So sad. I can't imagine what the families are going through right now. All we all can do is to pray that God helps them get through this time.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Another weekend of no riding.

Well the weekend is here and it is another weekend of no riding. This stinks! We were supposed to go down to WTOP for a work day but we both are just flat out so tired from the last two days that it isn't going to happen. That and the fact that the rain should start here any time soon. It's only 39 degrees right now and I'm no fan of getting soaking wet at these temps.
Thursday was Thanksgiving of course. Everyone was up at my parents house for the traditional Thanksging Day Dinner. I'm proud of myself. I didn't over eat today and didn't feel as stuffed as the turkey!
We did play a cruel joke on two little boys. I've got to admit that it was pretty funny. I've had to use a different program to do the video of what happened. I'm not pleased one bit with it. I hate doing something on a program that is so different than what I'm used to. It is unedited but still really funny. If you want you can go to YouTube to watch it. My channel there is "skeeterbait1234" . It is the one listed as "Vanishing Christmas Present". Be sure and pay close attention to the face of the one in the stripe shirt when he finally gets his present open! Priceless!
Well that's it for now. Next weekend is the Christmas Parades. I know we will be riding in the Middlesboro parade. Should have lots of photos and some video of that up shortly after.
Hope your Thanksgiving was GREAT! Ours was.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Nothing really to up date

In case you're wondering where I've been, well there hasn't been much to talk about. This weekend made the 3rd or maybe the 4th weekend in a row that I've got gotten to go riding. That really stinks too.
Today would have been really good, but today is also November 23rd, my youngest sisters birthday. Today she turned 45!! Just about the entire family took her out to eat at a new BBQ place in Cumberland Gap. I'll admit as much as I LOVE BBQ.. well I'll be hunting another place to go the next time I take a major craving for BBQ. It wasn't that bad, but it was FAR from good. OH well.
The only real thing to talk about is that I've made a major decision in my life. I'm going to have the "Lap Band" done ASAP. I'm sick and tired of the looks, the snickers and just flat out looking at what is in the mirror looking back at me.
More on that in the months to come. Till we meet again, hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! See ya'll soon I hope!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Witness to history in the making

This will be the only political post in my blog that you will ever see. I make it a policy not to talk politics. But, tonight we the whole nation, have taken part in making history for our nation!
I know that outside of my family and personal friends, nobody really knows that I am alive. That is the way it is with most people in this nation. But tonight we all were important. We voted. We changed this nation.
I had made up my mind months ago on who my vote was going for. And after listening to all the television, print and even phone attempts to change my vote, I was even more sure of how I was going to vote!
When are the idiots that decide all the "messages" that goes out going to learn that mud slinging is NOT what most of the people want to hear. The one that really got me going was the one that made an issue out of Obama's middle name! LOL. NOW you tell me, did you have any control over the name that your parents gave you? LOL
I'm glad that it is over. Mainly so I won't have to listen/watch all the negative adds on my TV.
Congratulations to our president elect Obama.

NOW lets get back to talking about riding in the mountains!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Now that is what I call a Birthday Party!

What better way to celebrate your birthday than out on the trails with friends. That is just what we did today. My friend Dellis (Partsman as we know him) had his birthday on the trails today. A good group, minus a few missing people that will remain nameless! BUT YOU know who you are and shame on you! Anyhow, I made a mad dash to Wally World this morning to pick up a dozen Cupcakes. They sure were pretty... before they made the trip in the back of Jim's box across 2 mountains! lol But they did make it anyhow, a little lop sided but that didn't matter. They still were good!

Put a candle to put on it. Of course being the nut that I am instead of picking up Numbers or small candles I opted to have only one on it...... this "?"!! lol I think he liked it.

Well today we did the Cawood loop again. But this time with a twist. Jim came and rode with us today! His riding has improved so much. He's really doing well. He has even found out that it is fun to go through some pretty good water/mud holes! Now this one that he went through I've seen several try. Most get hooked to and pulled out. But that darn Arctic Cat just clawed himself right through! And Jim didn't have to really do anything other than back up a little bit and take another run at it. I've seen most that if they do make it have to get up on the front rack and ride it out...... but all he did was sit there. Go CAT Go!

Well it's late and I'm tired. Think it is time to give it up for the day. I'll admit that with two full days of riding I'm beginning to feel them. Don't want to admit it but I will.
I hope that before the week is out to have the video up of the "Water hole adventure".

Till then.... take care!!

Oh How we need RAIN!

Can we say - DUSTY! Beautiful day today... couldn't be any better other than getting rid of the darn dust. We need rain so bad. It was warm.. really warm for November 1st! But we need some rain!!!

OK, got that out of my system.

Met up at Colmar this morning at 10. Had a good group riding, even picked up an extra at the parking area. Started out with 6 rides, 9 riders. Myself, my husband Jim, Carl, Roy and "B", Donnie & Lavon and Wayne & Lisa.

I've known Wayne & Lisa for several years and this is the first time that I've ever seen them in any condition other than spic-n-span, sparkling CLEAN! I worried that they both would really HATE riding today in the dust, but they actually said that they loved it! So much so that he is going to go this week and see about trading in his HARLEY in on his own ATV! That's cool!

Bless their hearts, Donnie & Lavon drove down here again all the way from Paoli, IN. Since the last time they were here back in September they bought a RAZR (not sure of the spelling but it is a SidexSide).

Heading out tomorrow to ride with Dellis and the gang. Will be heading out to Cawood, Kentucky. I've been there so much that I think I could do that ride with my eyes closed, but it is a great ride. If it wasn't I'd stay home. One other thing makes tomorrow special. It is his (Dellis) birthday! Last year we had a good party for him. I've got to get out early enough in the morning to find some cupcakes and take. Guess I'll be making a VERY early morning run to Wally World.

Better get in bed or I'll never make it. See ya'll tomorrow evening or Monday morning with an update.

Friday, October 31, 2008

He's BACK!

Who's back? My Floating Ghost! Now during the day he doesn't look so bad. But at night, when your car headlights hit him.... and floating right beside you is a GHOST.... THAT is when he looks the best!

Looks like a great weekend coming up!

The weather forecast for this weekend is looking GREAT! I know that Saturday the Holler Crawlers have a clean up day (actually Sunday too) on WTOP. Supposed to do some trail clean up, brush clearing, some trail work, brier cutting, trash pick up, etc. Jim and I both will be there to help out. But Sunday I'm playing hookie!

Sunday, November 2 is Partsman's birthday. I've got to pick up a cup cake and a candle for him today. Last year we had the works for him. He had never had a birthday party until he got a big surprise! Had a BIG cake, HUGE card & the works. This year's celebration will not be as big but none the less fun.

Today being Halloween I'm fixing my "floating ghost" again. Haven't done it in a couple years so it is about time to fix another. IF I can figure out how to make it float and film at the same time I'll get some video of it when I get it all fixed. I'm sure that in the daylight that it doesn't look like much. BUT at night... with a car light shining on it..... it will look cool!

I'm outta here for now. Got to get it all fixed up then head out to WalMart for a bit. See ya later!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

All Day On The Mountain

I told you I'd do a better job of updating this blog!

Yet another beautiful Sunday was spent out seeing what wonders God has done to the planet Earth. We revisited some areas on the mountain and went to a couple new sites. One is another cave that is near "Rock Church". OK, now I can say that I've been there seen that. Not exactly crazy about the trail getting to there or back from there (had to backtrack). Not exactly planning on going back again. AND if I do it will be by walking!

The second new place that we went to was the overlook to see Wild River. Beautiful! Absolutely breath taking! I took some pictures but honestly they do NOT do it justice.

Had a good crowd that left the Rose Hill parking area at 10 AM. Dellis, Don, Eulis, Morgan & Michael, Dale & Brandon, Chris, Bobbie, Maranda, Autum & myself were there. Everything was going good till Chris's 98 454 Arctic Cat had major rear end problems. He had to be towed back to the truck from the bottom of the backside near the Wild River trail. Dellis was riding his wife's big Honda and so he pulled him back. I was running front for him just in case he needed help to get him up some of the steepest parts. But never did have to hook up. Dale made a statement that made me very proud of "Miss Kitty"..... something about how that thing will pull and climb a tree! She may be only a 300 cc engine but it is a good one!

The highlight of the day was to watch Morgan play on the "Hillbilly Slip-n-Slide". Now mind you this was October 26! NOT July 26! Even though it had warmed up nicely being soaking wet is NOT the way that you wanted to be. That water was COLD! But she had been wanting to go back there for a couple months and this is the first chance that she had gotten to go. She had fun, that was showing on her face. She had the biggest smile you've ever seen and laughing all the way down too!!

Sunday was the first time that I was "wired for sound" via my Chatterbox. I love it! Riding through the mountains listening to everything from Motown to Southern Rock to Bluegrass is a BLAST! Made things a lot more fun. Especially when we would hit a trail and the perfect song for that trail would be playing. Sure didn't seem like we spent 9 hours up there, it seemed to go by really fast. But I felt every minute of it by the time I got home. My knees and my right shoulder were killing me. Something tells me that time, age and weight are getting to me. But I've rested up now, most of the pain is gone and if it was warm I'd do it again today!

Speaking of warmth... it sure isn't warm or pretty out today. Gray sky's and it is only 37 degrees right now at a little after 9 in the morning. Something tells me that it isn't going to be getting much warmer than that. Even saw some snow flurries earlier this morning!

I did give Jim fair warning that one time during the winter that if it snowed during the week that he was NOT going to take my truck to work. Yes it is the only thing that we have that is 4x4. The Equinox being front wheel drive will make it up this driveway just fine, unless it is solid ice under there. I'm really wanting to go down on the mountain and take some snow pictures at least once this winter. I've learned my lesson and know to stay on the south side, that's for sure. But I've got to do it at least once this winter.

I have no idea what this next weekend has in store. There is supposed to be a group of people coming down from Indiana. Not sure if they are still coming or not but if they do I'll be out on the trails somewhere. Till then... take care and ride safe!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ride, ride and more RIDE!

Where do I begin?

Things have been going really well, for the most part. Been doing a lot of riding off park (WTOP) for the past month. It has been a lot of fun. I didn't realize how much I missed riding on Stone. In the last couple weeks I've been across Stone to go to the Harlan Overlook (Harlan Kentucky) twice. Once it was just my husband and myself and then this past Sunday with the guys (and gals) that visit "ridewhereyouwant.com" aka Partsman and friends.

Also have done two trips up to Hensley Settlement. Now that is an adventure. Trail is for the most part easy to moderate. With a lot of smooth riding. Bad thing is where it isn't smooth.. it is ROUGH! I mean ROCKY - BOUNCE your guts out rough.
I've served as trail guide several times for different groups. I've had a blast. Every group is different. Some like to really see as much as they can see in a day. Others want to see stuff but at a lot slower pace, bad thing is that they miss out on so many other things that there just isn't time to see.
The leaves are changing here and it is getting really pretty to be outside. Bad thing is that it means that you put on a lot of clothes and strip during the day then put back on before you get back to the truck! Thought sure that my riding gloves were going to be enough Sunday. NOPE! My hands got so cold. I kept kicking myself for not taking my good winter gloves. Those would have felt a lot better on my poor frozen fingers. Bad thing is that it really isn't that cold. BUT after being in the upper 80's and lower to mid 90's for high temps all summer, when it gets down to the upper 40's lover 50's it feels like it should be the dead of winter.
I've gotten several really good videos done from all the riding. In fact I've got so many that there is no way to post them all here. I will upload one but will provide links to the others. AND if you like them and are signed up on YouTube then please rate my videos and leave me a note if you can! I love reading people comments... Good & Bad. I do have one more video that I need to get the footage worked up. Hopefully I'll get time to do them before this weekend. In the mean time here are some links to the ones that are the newest ones that I've done.
We, most of the family, went over to my sisters cabin on the river farm one weekend. I'll admit that riding in a pasture is NOT my favorite thing to do. I hate with a passion riding there and dodging the "FRESH Cow Patties"! BUT getting out and riding with 4 generations of my family is awesome!!!!! Not many people get to ride with a family group that range in age from 2 to 79! Here are the videos of that day.
Here is a short video of the inside of the little "cabin" that we built last summer. OH I forgot to tell you that the people that built that was myself, my husband and my sister! It's not perfect but it works!
Here is the video of one of the groups that I guided at WTOP. I got an email from them and they liked it so much that they are coming back in a little over a week to do it again!
This is one of the trips that we call "Cawood Loop". It's a really GOOD ride!
This is of my husband and myself going to the Harlan Overlook. Caught up with some friends and rode back with them.
Remember I said that I had gone up to Hensley Settlement twice? Well I've saved what I think is my best video to put up on here to view. Hope you like it!

Well I think I'm semi caught up. I know I've said it before but I will do a lot better at trying to keep things updated here.

Till next time! See ya'll.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sunday Aug. 24

I had almost forgotten how much fun it is to ride on Stone! I hadn't done it in a while.... I'll admit that I don't miss all the really ROUGH parts of the trails up there. They will jar your innards (YES that is a word! lol) loose for sure..... but it is well worth it.

Only 3 started out that day. Dale, Don & myself were the only ones that met up at the parking area in Rose Hill. Those two are very brave souls indeed! They put ME up front playing "Follow The Leader"! I really felt bad for both of them by the time we got back to load up and go home. Don was covered in dust.... but poor Dale I swear had every speck of dust that had been kicked up on the trails on him! I don't see how he could see or breath.

Did the Cawood loop, then drove by the lake to see who was there. Found some riders from Virginia that Dale knew. They had been playing there for a while. I've got some video of that bunch playing and our part of the ride and some video of the Saturday ride yet to work up. I'll try to get in here and get it up soon.

But for now all I have are some photos. OH and we did see some Turkeys on the trail. Live TURKEYS..... not the "idiot man turkeys" that I know! WHICH will remain nameless! hehehe
Looks like next weeks ride is shaping up to be a REAL good ride! Where to? Who knows. But as of right now I know of at least 4 people that are wanting to go that normally don't go with us. I take that back, one is Mudd Puppy! She always puts on a good show.... and what few times I've had her and Ivy together it is even BETTER!
Till next week..... have a good'en!

Saturday, Aug 23

Served as guide this past Saturday to a group that wanted to explore Wilderness Trail Park. Got a late start as one lady is a nurse and worked the late shift and had to get a little sleep before taking off. Didn't get to go very far..... but it was a good ride.

Dust was boiling, as usual, but everybody made it back to the trucks/trailers in one piece.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Where do I begin? I'm behind again!

I'm so far behind on updating this that it is a wonder that anyone comes here any more. I'm sorry.. but the good news is that even in this dust and heat "Miss Kitty" and I have been getting out some. Not near as much as I'd like... but beats the heck out of staying at home all the time!

Now to do some catching up. Looks like last time I posted was on about the July 20th ride. Didn't get to go for a couple weeks after that. Rode on Stone Mountain on August 3 with Dellis,Dale, Randall and Morgan. Found lots of mud of course!

On Aug. 8 went down to WTOP for a while. Did some tree trimming first then met up with a group of guys that were here in the area for a visit from Ohio! Took them to see/play in Mud Bowl II. They had fun!

Next trip down was Aug 10. Met up with all the old gang that I rode with last year on Stone, plus a few new friends. When we got to the Colemar parking area we found some other "Holler Crawlers" that were there to ride. So we all hooked up and rode most of the day together. 15 riders in all! Had a BLAST!

Jim hadn't gotten to ride any since his knee surgery but he finally got to go on August 14. We knew it would be an easy ride seeing as how we were taking the grandson Michael down for his first time. Michael is only 10, but he has his own "Sportsman 90" I was impressed with how that little ride went! Jim did alright with being out on the trails after the surgery. His knee hurt a little more than usual after the days ride, but he did it anyway. Michael now thinks that his papaw is the BEST!

Thought sure that I was going to get to go riding again this past Sunday, August 17 but nobody posted about going so I stayed home rather than risk going alone. Instead we cleaned the mud off of our rides..... which they really needed! It took several hours of pressure washing, then hand washing to get all the mud off.

This coming weekend is looking REALLY good for a LOT of riding. I've got a group that I'm guiding on Saturday and on Sunday Dale and I have already said that no matter who else goes WE are not sitting at home again! WE WILL RIDE!

I've got several minutes of videos from the previous rides.... so rather than wait a long time for them to load here I'll just post the links to what I have up on You Tube.

The turkeys we saw on one of the trails - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8tU-du4xsM

Hope you enjoy them. Till next time......

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Thirteen riders (I'm not in the group photo and like it that way) met up Sunday morning to brave the dust and try to find a good mud/water hole. We found BOTH! Lots and lots of dust.... and a really good water hole!

Where I hadn't ridden for a while it sure felt GOOD to be back on a trail again. I really missed it. Tried out my new full face helmet today. Broke it in proper! Covered in dust!!! Other than the fact that it was hot, it really helped to keep that dust out of my eyes and it was so easy to flip up the shield when not needed. I like it. BUT I think I would like it better in cooler/cold weather.

Got some really good video today. Haven't worked it up yet..... it could take me a day or two to get it done, but it should be really good when I do.

I promise I'll come back and upload it when I am finished with it.

Later people!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tomorrow..... I RIDE!

Oh boy..... The 20th is finally almost here. Going on a really good ride in the morning. Had to go borrow my sisters trailer so I could haul 3 rides instead of the two that mine will. Picking up my baby sisters niece and her boyfriend at a little after 8 in the morning, then drive on down to Middlesboro. Should be a really good ride. Can't wait!

I put new lights on "Miss Kitty" today. She's looking fine! Should be really good light to see the trails at night now.

Seeing as how it is almost 11 PM I'll get a photo of her tomorrow. See ya'll either late Sunday or early Monday with a ride report!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

No riding this past weekend, Hubby knee surgery

At times Family comes first. On Friday, July 11, my hubby had knee surgery. So needless to say I stuck close to home to take care of him. He has a hard time getting up to get anything. I did tell him that there was one thing that he was on his own with...... no need to say it here.. it would be TMI..... but you can guess what it is.

I do have the photos of inside his left knee..... pretty cool looking! Not bloody and so white and clean..... other than the torn places you wouldn't think anything is wrong.

But now this coming weekend is a different story. I've already told him that he had 9 days to heal enough to be here a day along because I was heading out to ride!

A bunch of Holler Crawlers and other people that just want to join in are going to ride "The Crater" around Middlesboro. Should be an interesting ride..... long but good. Can't wait! At first I thought that both of my nieces were going with me, now it is down to only one. Ivy and her boyfriend are going to ride down with me. That's good. She doesn't get to go riding near as much as MuddPuppy does.
Well.... till sometime Sunday night or during the day Monday... stay safe! I'll have lots of photos I hope!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Birthday America!

Well, America has lived to see yet another birthday.. isn't it wonderful! I know of no other place on earth that people enjoy the freedom that we do. I know that times are getting tough right now on a lot of people. It is us too. But we are a tough nation and we will survive.

Several members of the Holler Crawlers got together at one of the many pads and had a really good cookout and then a lot of really good fireworks after. It rained a little bit on us, fog set in and for a while you couldn't see much. But it cleared off and really was a nice evening to spend with a bunch of friends.

Sprinkles served as our cook for the evening and as usual he did a really good job. He needs to have his own restaurant. SouthKyGal was the lady that came up with the idea, her and her husband furnished the fireworks. GREAT JOB!
I am so glad that back in January I decided to take a chance and come down and ride with BCO. I've gained a lot of new friends that will forever have a place in my heart.

Friday, July 4, 2008

July 3, 2008

If we had waited another 4 days it would have been a full month since we last rode. That is the longest I've ever gone without riding! I know that next weekend is out due to the fact that my husband is having surgery on his knee on July 11... so it will be a couple weeks before I can go even after that. So I had to ride while I could.

Six went down to WTOP to put in at the Colmar parking area and six came home hours later. No accidents, no breakdowns. Not a lot of mud (another dry summer) and LOTS of dust...... no shortage there!

It's raining now (July 4th - 9:17 A.M.) and I'd give anything to go back down as soon as it stops! Anything! We are supposed to go down for the fireworks that a Holler Crawler member and her husband have bought up. If it stops early enough I may go ahead and go down early and ride for a bit before we are supposed to eat tonight. It would be wonderful to ride with NO dust what so ever. BUT.... I know I'd be a muddy mess after so what to do. Hummm