What better way to celebrate your birthday than out on the trails with friends. That is just what we did today. My friend Dellis (Partsman as we know him) had his birthday on the trails today. A good group, minus a few missing people that will remain nameless! BUT YOU know who you are and shame on you! Anyhow, I made a mad dash to Wally World this morning to pick up a dozen Cupcakes. They sure were pretty... before they made the trip in the back of Jim's box across 2 mountains! lol But they did make it anyhow, a little lop sided but that didn't matter. They still were good!
Put a candle to put on it. Of course being the nut that I am instead of picking up Numbers or small candles I opted to have only one on it...... this "?"!! lol I think he liked it.
Well today we did the Cawood loop again. But this time with a twist. Jim came and rode with us today! His riding has improved so much. He's really doing well. He has even found out that it is fun to go through some pretty good water/mud holes! Now this one that he went through I've seen several try. Most get hooked to and pulled out. But that darn Arctic Cat just clawed himself right through! And Jim didn't have to really do anything other than back up a little bit and take another run at it. I've seen most that if they do make it have to get up on the front rack and ride it out...... but all he did was sit there. Go CAT Go!
Well it's late and I'm tired. Think it is time to give it up for the day. I'll admit that with two full days of riding I'm beginning to feel them. Don't want to admit it but I will.
I hope that before the week is out to have the video up of the "Water hole adventure".
Till then.... take care!!
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