Thursday, November 8, 2007

Feeling a little bit better, but.......

I'm still not sure how things will go when I want to go riding this weekend. The weather forecast isn't looking to bad. So maybe I'll get to take a short ride if nothing else. If I have to I'll go alone again. I can do the loop from the top of the mountain at Rose Hill to Crow's foot again if I have to. There has been a lot of things going on that I can't discuss here in such a public place. Maybe I've got them taken care of. I sure hope so! It would kill me to have to give up something that I so dearly love to do. I know that the day is coming that I will not be physically able to do what I'm doing now. I know that. But for now I want to ride every chance I get. Guess this is what I get for starting something so late in life. Seems like just yesterday I was in my early 30's. What happened? Who put the clock on fast forward? The only good thing about time passing this fast is that I'll have Kitty paid for in no time! And believe me, that is the only good thing!!!!! Oh how I wish that I had gotten an ATV a long time ago. If I could get in another 10 years of great riding I could die happy. By that time I may be forced to only ride in places like Mountain Drive, but at least I'll be riding! I can see it now....after my passing the kids/grand kids will look at some of the pictures of my attempt to stay young and will say "That was one cool old lady. She was doing a pretty good job of keeping up with kids that were young enough to be her own and loved every minute of it." How else can anyone see wonderful views like the picture above?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Big Suprise Birthday party for Dellis!

On Saturday, November 3, 2007 the gang met at John's house..... which Dellis didn't think was anything special seeing as how most of the gang is there every Saturday evening to tune up and work on their rides. What he didn't know was that for a while we had been plotting to throw him a Birthday Cookout! It was a fantastic success! I think he sorta got the feeling that something was up.. but not to sure what it was. But he never expected anything like that! We had tons of food and a HUGE cake complete with a toy ATV just like the one he rides. We all piled in Johns house.... John, myself, Morgan, Randall, Jimmy, Deborah, Little Jimmy & Nikki, Dale, Donna, Austin & Brandon, Big Jim K., Junior and my hubby Jim. (Can you count how many JIM's were there?) Sallie, TopDog & one of their girls stopped by for a few minutes but didn't stay for the food. We had all signed a HUGE card to give to Dellis.... complete with his famous logo on it. Honestly I think we almost got the best of him. He made the comment that this was the first time in his life that anyone had ever done anything like this for him. Then he got really quiet. I hope we did you proud Dellis! We love ya man!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Harlan Kentucky Overlook, Nov. 4, 2007

Kitty may have made her last trip for a while. But it was a great ride to end on! Left Rose Hill parking lot at a little before 10 this morning. Started out with 8 bikes and had one late comer to catch up with us just a little way over the mountain from Crows Foot. 1st stop was at Cawood to play in what little mud was left. I was having radio problems so I went to the store to buy fresh batteries thinking that was it. NOPE. I think that one radio is dead or dying! I got lucky that I did have the other one with me. Our goal was to go to the Harlan Overlook. We made it and it was beautiful! Thank you for taking me there!!!

If any of the guys that I ride with read this, I want to say an open apology to everyone for my foul mood today. I said and did some things that were uncalled for. I'm sorry, it won't happen again.

Things beyond my control are happening and it looks like me and Kitty will not be riding for a while, if ever again. I can't go into detail, but believe me I don't think that I could ever miss a bunch of young fellows more than what I'm going to miss you guys. You all mean the world to me. I know that I'm old enough to be your mother and yet you still let me tag along with you. Thank you for that. You've made me feel young again.... OK, younger than I am and that is a miracle!

I guess it is fitting that I got the one last GREAT picture of you all..... and I'm not in it. Maybe it was a sign of what was to come. I'll never forget the laughs that you all have given me.

Take care fellows. Ride safe and ride forever!