Thursday, August 21, 2008

Where do I begin? I'm behind again!

I'm so far behind on updating this that it is a wonder that anyone comes here any more. I'm sorry.. but the good news is that even in this dust and heat "Miss Kitty" and I have been getting out some. Not near as much as I'd like... but beats the heck out of staying at home all the time!

Now to do some catching up. Looks like last time I posted was on about the July 20th ride. Didn't get to go for a couple weeks after that. Rode on Stone Mountain on August 3 with Dellis,Dale, Randall and Morgan. Found lots of mud of course!

On Aug. 8 went down to WTOP for a while. Did some tree trimming first then met up with a group of guys that were here in the area for a visit from Ohio! Took them to see/play in Mud Bowl II. They had fun!

Next trip down was Aug 10. Met up with all the old gang that I rode with last year on Stone, plus a few new friends. When we got to the Colemar parking area we found some other "Holler Crawlers" that were there to ride. So we all hooked up and rode most of the day together. 15 riders in all! Had a BLAST!

Jim hadn't gotten to ride any since his knee surgery but he finally got to go on August 14. We knew it would be an easy ride seeing as how we were taking the grandson Michael down for his first time. Michael is only 10, but he has his own "Sportsman 90" I was impressed with how that little ride went! Jim did alright with being out on the trails after the surgery. His knee hurt a little more than usual after the days ride, but he did it anyway. Michael now thinks that his papaw is the BEST!

Thought sure that I was going to get to go riding again this past Sunday, August 17 but nobody posted about going so I stayed home rather than risk going alone. Instead we cleaned the mud off of our rides..... which they really needed! It took several hours of pressure washing, then hand washing to get all the mud off.

This coming weekend is looking REALLY good for a LOT of riding. I've got a group that I'm guiding on Saturday and on Sunday Dale and I have already said that no matter who else goes WE are not sitting at home again! WE WILL RIDE!

I've got several minutes of videos from the previous rides.... so rather than wait a long time for them to load here I'll just post the links to what I have up on You Tube.

The turkeys we saw on one of the trails -

Hope you enjoy them. Till next time......