Can we say - DUSTY! Beautiful day today... couldn't be any better other than getting rid of the darn dust. We need rain so bad. It was warm.. really warm for November 1st! But we need some rain!!!
OK, got that out of my system.
Met up at Colmar this morning at 10. Had a good group riding, even picked up an extra at the parking area. Started out with 6 rides, 9 riders. Myself, my husband Jim, Carl, Roy and "B", Donnie & Lavon and Wayne & Lisa.
I've known Wayne & Lisa for several years and this is the first time that I've ever seen them in any condition other than spic-n-span, sparkling CLEAN! I worried that they both would really HATE riding today in the dust, but they actually said that they loved it! So much so that he is going to go this week and see about trading in his HARLEY in on his own ATV! That's cool!
Bless their hearts, Donnie & Lavon drove down here again all the way from Paoli, IN. Since the last time they were here back in September they bought a RAZR (not sure of the spelling but it is a SidexSide).
Heading out tomorrow to ride with Dellis and the gang. Will be heading out to Cawood, Kentucky. I've been there so much that I think I could do that ride with my eyes closed, but it is a great ride. If it wasn't I'd stay home. One other thing makes tomorrow special. It is his (Dellis) birthday! Last year we had a good party for him. I've got to get out early enough in the morning to find some cupcakes and take. Guess I'll be making a VERY early morning run to Wally World.
Better get in bed or I'll never make it. See ya'll tomorrow evening or Monday morning with an update.
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