The weather forecast for this weekend is looking GREAT! I know that Saturday the Holler Crawlers have a clean up day (actually Sunday too) on WTOP. Supposed to do some trail clean up, brush clearing, some trail work, brier cutting, trash pick up, etc. Jim and I both will be there to help out. But Sunday I'm playing hookie!
Sunday, November 2 is Partsman's birthday. I've got to pick up a cup cake and a candle for him today. Last year we had the works for him. He had never had a birthday party until he got a big surprise! Had a BIG cake, HUGE card & the works. This year's celebration will not be as big but none the less fun.
Today being Halloween I'm fixing my "floating ghost" again. Haven't done it in a couple years so it is about time to fix another. IF I can figure out how to make it float and film at the same time I'll get some video of it when I get it all fixed. I'm sure that in the daylight that it doesn't look like much. BUT at night... with a car light shining on it..... it will look cool!
I'm outta here for now. Got to get it all fixed up then head out to WalMart for a bit. See ya later!
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