Saturday, November 29, 2008

Another weekend of no riding.

Well the weekend is here and it is another weekend of no riding. This stinks! We were supposed to go down to WTOP for a work day but we both are just flat out so tired from the last two days that it isn't going to happen. That and the fact that the rain should start here any time soon. It's only 39 degrees right now and I'm no fan of getting soaking wet at these temps.
Thursday was Thanksgiving of course. Everyone was up at my parents house for the traditional Thanksging Day Dinner. I'm proud of myself. I didn't over eat today and didn't feel as stuffed as the turkey!
We did play a cruel joke on two little boys. I've got to admit that it was pretty funny. I've had to use a different program to do the video of what happened. I'm not pleased one bit with it. I hate doing something on a program that is so different than what I'm used to. It is unedited but still really funny. If you want you can go to YouTube to watch it. My channel there is "skeeterbait1234" . It is the one listed as "Vanishing Christmas Present". Be sure and pay close attention to the face of the one in the stripe shirt when he finally gets his present open! Priceless!
Well that's it for now. Next weekend is the Christmas Parades. I know we will be riding in the Middlesboro parade. Should have lots of photos and some video of that up shortly after.
Hope your Thanksgiving was GREAT! Ours was.

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