Saturday was the "Christmas Parade" in Middlesboro. A small showing of Holler Crawlers showed up to ride. Granted it was cold and snowing, but that only added to the excitement in the air. I had Miss Kitty all decked out for the event. I was the only one there that was riding "Rudolph"!! The bad part was that the wheels that I got to go under the "Santa Sleigh" didn't work out so it had to be left at the trailer. Lesson learned on that one. But at least I've got a whole year to find the ones that I do need and have them on for the 2009 parade!
It wasn't till later Saturday evening that I heard about the tragedy that had happened at just about time for the parade to start. 4 young people, two of which were ROTC cadets that were to march in the parade, were killed in a traffic accident. Two of those were twins. So sad. I can't imagine what the families are going through right now. All we all can do is to pray that God helps them get through this time.
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