The weekend is just another day away and right now the weather forecast is looking GREAT! Can't wait.... looks like I will get in a FULL weekend of riding for a change.... both days, Saturday and Sunday. Going to head down to Mtn. Drive in Bell county and ride Saturday. Jim, Terry, Pam, Doug and his wife are coming. I've posted on the "Holler Crawlers" site and I think that some of them are going to try to make it too. We are supposed to meet up at 10 in the morning. Can't wait to meet some new people and ride with them too. I've got a good feeling about this new club starting up. Looks like a bunch of good honest hard working people are behind everything. I sure hope it does well.
Sunday I plan on riding with Dellis and the gang. I'm pretty sure that there is one person that will NOT be happy to see me again.... but you know what.. I've lived over 53 years without even knowing this person and right now I don't give a hoot if they like me being there or not! I'm riding and that is that!
But before I can even think about riding I've got to get this nasty house cleaned up. Ok, so I'm not a fan of doing house work.... but who is? I'd rather be out riding Miss Kitty. Hummm if it would warm up just a little bit more I might even go out and unlock and take her for a spin around the yard. But then again... it looks like it is warmer than it is! My reading says it's only 38 degrees outside right now. Brrrrrrrr to cold for me to be out in the wind. Maybe tomorrow I can sneak in a few minutes riding.
The picture above is of my husband Jim and his new Arctic Cat 400.
1 comment:
hey, nice blog.
keep on riding
we're only as young as we feel!
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