If you've been reading my blogs you know that a while back I was talking about finding our latest addition to our rides. While on a day out we stopped at Bass Pro and was really checking out the Arctic Cats..... and fell in love with the 400's. I'll admit that at the time I honestly thought that it was nothing more than a dream of owning a brand new AC. I'm here to tell you that DREAMS DO COME TRUE! While out Saturday doing a little Christmas shopping we stopped by the Arctic Cat dealer in Kingsport, TN. At that time we really had no intention on actually buying one now..... just stopped to see what they had and to kill a little time. Found out that they had some really good offers for financing. That was Saturday. We talked..... and talked....... and did some more talking. The talking continued into Sunday. Come Monday morning we called the dealer and did our paperwork over the phone. A little bit later they called back to tell us that we got it! They would have it ready for us by the time we got there to pick it up. That is the photo that I've got posted..... they just had loaded it on to the trailer at the dealer. Even though we both had sat on it I swear it seems bigger now that it is here. I've got a 5 by 12 trailer and when we got it home we found out that "Tom Kat" as we are now calling the new one, and "Miss Kitty" mine will just barely fit onto the trailer! And I do mean just barely! For the time being to haul both of them we are going to have to load them both end to end and then take the ramp off and tie it to the side. The tires prevent us from getting the ramp anywhere near closed! Thank goodness a month or so back I bought some REALLY strong straps to tie anything down with. Without them there is no way that we could take them both anywhere to ride! But I've always heard that were there is a will there is a way. Guess it's true. Honestly we need to do some work to find a better way to load and haul both bikes safely. That will for the time work, but is going to be a lot of extra work on both of us to get them to anywhere to ride. OH well... it's worth it no matter what we have to do!
Am I tickled? YOU BET CHA! I honestly don't think that husband will go with me every time I go riding..... but now at least he will have one when he does want to go. And if anything happens to Miss Kitty that would prevent her from going I'll have a back up to take. Hope you like what we picked out. I love it!
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