Now I may get into trouble for showing this...... but most people would call this deep...... OH no..... not this gang...... they call this "feep" . I'll not try to explain...... for I might offend someone, I'll just let your own mind try to figure it out. But I just had to show you how to get an ATV very dirty! The one picture that I don't have is the one of the 3 ATV's hooked to him that pulled him out finally! Why? Well like I said there were 3..... and two of them were "female" powered! Can't pull and take pictures at the same time! Now I wish that I had handed my camera to someone!
poor man,... had to have women pull his sorry butt out of the mud.
women rule.
Now cut him some slack..... #1 he isn't sorry.... #2 I didn't have up the pic that showed him pulling another fellow out of the swamp where he was stuck! Problem was he was just burried so bad! But it was funny! FEMALE POWER!
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