I've always heard it said "Third time is the charm." well.. it's true. The past two weekends we have tried to make it to Martin's Fork Lake in Cawood, Ky. Well today we finally made it! I'll admit, just getting there was an adventure in it's self. After Pringle jinxed the trip right from the start we should have known that we were going to be in trouble. He had a little problem in the parking lot first thing... but then got it going and off we went. Then poor Dale had to stop and put in more water before we even got to Crow's foot. That is when Mudpuppy found that she had lost her cell phone! We, Mudpuppy and I, left and backtracked all the way to the parking lot where we began! But good news.. we did find the phone and kept her out of trouble.. well sorta... it was kinda wet! Maybe it will work when it drys out. I sure hope so. Ok, now on with the trip.... I'm a fairly good rider but we came to a place that I knew it was time for me to get off and let someone else take it over that rock! Now it wasn't just your normal little pebble.. OH no.. that I could do. This is one that put you in danger of flipping straight back!! I knew that my Kitty had the power.... but I found out that I didn't have the nerve. I'd rather be safe than have a broken anything. I drove up to the edge and then took a really good look and yelled for someone to come and do this for me. I walked up and over while Dale rode my Kitty.. but it did have a little help.... not that it needed it but they had the tow line hooked to it to keep it from flipping. I loved what Dale said about Kitty after he got up to where I was.. he said "that thing will climb a tree!" But then after everyone made it up over the boulder there was one other little thing to get over... a tree! Now it wasn't the size of the tree it was the way it had been cut. Someone had cut it a foot high from the ground and leaned it over. Darn if I didn't get stuck on that sucker! But I had help and they got me free and we went on. Finally the lake was in site a few minutes later. LUNCH TIME! After everyone ate it was time to play.. and for some reason they love to see what sort of trouble they can get Mudpuppy in. There was a fallen tree that went over some of the backwater and of course they put her up to going across the tree log. She made it... but she crawled all the way there and back! Next stop was near Cawood. The mudhole that they were heading to was sorta taken.... someone had gotten a truck stuck in it and had just left it there! Next it was off to the river/creek to play in the water. I like water! Mudpuppy got in and washed off some of the mud.... and she had a little help! hehehe Then it was time to head home.... seems like we made it back a heck of a lot quicker than we got there!
But we made it. We all ate dust.. again... cough.... cough. But we made it. Nobody broke down to be towed home, and nobody wrecked and broke anything... so it was a good day!
The leaves are starting to change..... maybe next week the leaves will be at or near peak fall color. Maybe we will go slow enough to get good pictures of it too! Till next week.. stay safe!
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